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tv   Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo  FOX News  May 21, 2023 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good sunday morning, everyone m. thanks so much for joining us j this morning. well only to the "sunday morning futures." i' m maria bartiromo. today, countdown to crisis. the treasury secretary claimsre the u.s. wiltal run out of mone in less thanou who two weeks an pride president biden is still attacking speaker mccarthy's debt deal as talks collapse on friday before resuming again. b comingef up, breaking news on te debt ceiling with talks expected to resume speaker of the houseum kevin mccarthy is moments away. i
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then, intimidation and bullying. whistle blow arers say they are facing the doj's wrath for speaking out. >> the fbi will crush you. this government will crush you ask your family if you try to expose the truth about things they arehat doing that are wrol wero areng all examples of that. maria: coming up, house judiciar y committee chairman jim jordan on the weaponization of jon ofe biden's plusnt, why did the fbi leadersp tell agents to report on trumptn collusion only orally and not keep a paper trail? the durham report finallyy released five years after then-intelligence committee chairman devin nuñes broke the news first right here on this prograthm five years devin nuñes is bac fk with moreu the fbi's politics-led investigations. then, he's threatening to hold antony blinken in contempty of congress many if hi bs biden's botched afghanistan withdrawal. house foreign affairs committee chairman michael mccaul on. afghanistan, china and why joend biden is about to send an
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additional $375 million inllio weapons to ukraine. plus, missouri senator josh hawley on china's economic can coercion and which american company will be next for the ccp the raid and steal from without any u.s. response. biden's soft on china's policyli cyand its impact on u.s. nationl security. it's all rightl here, right nowri on "sunday morning futures."fu ♪ ♪tu maria: and we begin this sunday morning with the very latest on debt the negotiations. after a weekend standstill on those negotiations. house speaker kevin mccarthy's team is back at the negotiating table after walking out on friday when president biden's team would not move on spending cuts alongside raising the debt ceiling. the national debt is now at $31.7 trillion with interest alone at $571 billion. treasury secretary janet yellen has warned that if an agreement to the raise the debt the ceiling is not reached shortly,
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the u.s. could default on its obligations as soon as june 1st. president biden is expects to speak with speaker mccarthy today after returning from his g7 trip. here's the president earlier this morning. >> first, we weren't making any progress, then we made a lot of progress, and then all of a sudden we came back with a proposal that was very cut back from where they'd agreed or discuss the -- discussed. we are willing to cut spending as well as raise revenue so people start paying their fair share. maria: joining me right now with reaction in this sunday morning exclusive is house speaker, california congressman kevin mccarthy. mr. speaker, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thank you, maria. maria: are you expecting to speak to the presidented today, and what is your reaction to what you just heard from president biden? >> well, yeah, i will speak to the president the next hour, right after this show. he'll be on air force one coming back. first of all, your voters --
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your listeners have to the understand this, is it a revenue problem or a spending problem? in the last 50 years, we would average about 17% of gdp in revenue. right now we're almost at 20%. only two times in american modern history have we ever got here, 1944 and 2000. so we have more money coming into the coffers than at any time in history. the real challenge is our spending. our spending on average for the last 50 years has been about 21%. well, in fy-22 after the democrats had taken over, we're roughly over 24% of gdp, so it's a sheer spending problem. it's very odd me what the president says. we have never offered something different than we talked about the entire time. the pivot has really been after bernie sanders had his press conference. the president pivoted back. he actually proposed spending billions more next year than we spend this year. the president's budget actually proposes spending more money than we spent at the height of the pan chem you can. we just can't -- pandemic.
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we just can't afford to keep borrowing from china, be more dependent and create more inflation. i do not think it's extreme that we say we should spend less than we spent this year, we should pull back the unspent money from covid. we talk about work requirements that actually bring people to the jobs. the president voted for this as a senator, president clinton the signed it. every statistical data shows that it helps people get jobs. and we're only talking about able-bodied people who have no dependents. they could be going to school, they don't have to work. let's help people get jobs to help our supply chain. the president wants to borrow more money from china to the pay people the stay home. and we're talking about cutting the red tape so we could create projects, actually work instead of slowing everything up. i don't think these are extreme, cra cone january, and we want to be able to the cap further expenditures, right? we don't cut government going into the future, we only let it grow at 1%.
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this is an idea that joe manchin had. these are common sense, responsible, sensible ideas. maria: i want to get into the nuts and bolts here in terms of what you're fighting for, but the president just said earlier morning that he's not going to spend concern have cuts to spending without revenue raise. are you going to raise taxes on people? >> no, and that's different than what the president said in the to oval office. he said i know that's off the table. and i told the president and february 1st i sat down with the president, long before janet yellen ever old the us when the department limit was, that it was going to be the way into the summer. i said let's be responsible, let's sit down, let's negotiate out9 and put america on a different trajectory. let's spend less than we spent before, let's grow this economy and save money where we've wasted it. he ignored me for 97 days i. wasn't until the house republicans actually passed a bill that limited what we spend in the future, savedded the taxpayer money is and grow our economy so the market would be
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going up, not down. that's the only reason we're mt. room. but the president has really shifted right after the more progressive, socialist wing of the party stood up and said they want to spend more money. he's now bringing manager to the table that everyone said was off the table. it seems as though he wants default more than he wants a deal. that's not where i'm at. and the one thing you know about me, maria, i will never give up. maria: yes. >> we can solve problem and make our economy stronger, curb inflation and be less dependent on china and and really focus on american problems with american solutions. maria: so do you think bernie sanders is among those leading this for the president? >> well, he really wags the dog. i mean, when bernie sanders or aoc says something, the white house shifts the other way. i'm sorry, nobody believes in my household that you should spend more money. think about what a debt ceiling is. it is your child having a credit card, and they spent all the money on it. but you've done it year after year where you only kept lifting the debt limit for it.
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maria: yeah. >> and now you owe more on the credit card than you make in an entire year because our deficit is larger than our whole economy. maria: yeah. >> should you just raise the debt limit, or should you look where you're spending it? it's not extreme to go back to spending levels that we spent just five months ago. maria: are there areas of common ifalty, of agreement? i know that, you know, clawing back the unspent covid-19 money was something that both sides z agreed upon. you also have agreement on permitting. do you have agreement on spending for the coming years? >> well, the difficulty is nothing's agreed to at all, but all the discussions we had before i felt we were at a place that we could agree together, that we would have compromise. we wouldn't get what our bill said, we would find compromise that we could lift the debt limit, we could spend less than we spent before, claw back money that was unspent, we could get permitting reform where we cut red tape, have people build again. i believe that this was a place
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that everybody gave. now the president, even though he was overseas, fought to change places. i don't understand that. for 97 days he ignored me. we were in a good place, he goes overseas and now he wants to change the debate? that's not healthy. we still have to pass it before the house and the senate, we only have 11 days to go. maria: and i know you also have discussed, well, it passed, your bill, that the you would raise the ceiling until 2024, but are you expecting this is going on the raised all the way to '25 at this point? what's the timingsome. >> well, that -- we talked about all of that. think about that, if he wants to raise the debt further, that means more than, a higher debt limit. we're looking at where we can actually put us on a better path. if you go the president's path, he's going to the increase the debt to the a place that that we can't afford. right now it's going to be the 17 cents on every dollar we bring in goes to interest. we will pay more money in interest in the next enyears than we've paid in the last 83
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years. maria: wow. $10.5 trillion. don't you hate paying the interesten on your credit cards? now what's happening is every single american that has a new baby, that baby gets charged $94,000 coming into this world. i think's wrong. maria: speaker, i want to get one more comment from you on the call that you had. you had a call with fbi director christopher wray on friday. you know that james comer has a subpoena out for the document that he wants to see. are you going to be able to get that document? what went on with your call with the director of fbi? >> i want to be very clear with the fbi director that congress has a right and we have the jurisdiction to oversee the fbi. this is one piece of paper that the a chairman of a committee has requested to see. hement hasn't even acknowledged -- he hasn't even acknowledged whether he has this document, but he hasn't provided it. i explained to the director that we will coeverything in our power and we have the jurisdiction over the fbi that we have the right to see this document. i believe after this call we
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will get this document. maria: all right. we will be waiting for that. mr. speaker, thank you very much. we're going to be waiting to hear what goes on with your call with the president after this program, and you are making a difference. we see your poll numbers as well continuing to rise. thank you so much, speaker, congressman kevin mccarthy. >> thank you, maria. maria: and now this. >> i've since had to rei lie on charity -- rely on charity because the fbi stopped paying me, and there's no the other way for me to make a living. we're really stuck between a rock and a hard place, because on one hand, we want to try to get our jobs back because we are trying to do our patriotic duty, but on the other hand, we still have families to take care of. it's herbally a death sentence the -- essentially a death sentence in the modern era. maria: garrett to boyle testifying on how life has been upended for him after speak out against fbi misconduct during a house judiciary committee
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hearing on thursday. the committee revealing fbi employees who became whistleblowers against the politicized rot within fbi leadership had their security clearance revoked or suspended, effectively leaving the agents on unpaid leave. house oversight sight committee chairman james comer told us the white house is also intimidating these economies -- whistleblowers for speaking out. >> honestly, maria, they fear for their lives. not only are the biden lawyers and white house intimidating him, the media is trying to intimidate and discredit them. maria: in a statement the fbi claims it, quote, has not and will not retaliate against individuals who make protected whistleblower disclosures. joining me right now is house judiciary chairman, congressman jim jordan. mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> you bet, maria. good to be with you. maria: what is going on with these whistleblowers? tell us your takeaways from your committee hearing last week. >> well, i think the big takeaway is, maria, think about what we learned this week.
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the durham report comes out and tells us that the fbi had no probable cause, no evidence whatsoever, and yet they launch into an investigation of president trump and his campaign. i think the durham report's best line was failed in their fundamental mission of fidelity to the law. they didn't follow the law. then we learn from fox reporting and other outlets reporting that 278,000 times the fbi abused americans' rights who were simply exercising their first amendment liberties and searched the fisa database. and then, of course, we had these whistleblowers who tell us about the retaliation they are getting from the fbi for simply telling congress, which is what they're supposed to do as whistleblowers, telling congress that the wrongdoing that was going on, telling congress about parents being targeted for going to school board meetings, telling congress about pro-lifers being targeted for simply praying at an abortion clinic or telling congress about the memo that said if you're a catholic attending mass, you could also be surveilled by the fbi. and for all that, they have the
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full wrath of the fbi come down on them. and as garrett o'boyle said, they're attempting to crush them and chill any other whistleblowers from coming forward and telling us about the wrongdoing in the justice department. maria: what are you going to do about it? we just spoke with kevin mccarthy about his call with christopher wray. wray is still running the fbi. you want to use the appropriations process to fix this. how will that fix thingsesome. >> well, in the end, money always gets people's attention. is so what we're going to have the to do is say, hey, fbi, you can't use the american tax dollars for this kind of activity. we've got to limit how they spend the money, maybe even limit them -- here's a great example. they want millions of collars, hundreds of millions of dollars in their construction budget for a new facility. no way. no way should we approve that. that should be a given. no way we're going to give you money for that. so we have to use the appropriation process. that's the power that the founders wanted the legislative
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branch and in particular the house where constitutionally every spending bill, every tax bill has to originate in the house. they wanted that body which stands for election every two years to be the body closest to the people deciding how we spend the money. so we have to exercise our authority, the power of the purse, to limit what the federal government, what the fbi and justice department, are doing to the american people. maria: so that appropriations process is underway now. when will we see a bill that actually cuts back on funding for the fbi? >> speaker e mccarthy and republicans have committed to doing all 12 appropriations bills that fund the government over the next several months. the first will come out in the next couple weeks. we've been meeting with our staff to work on how we can limit money, american tax dollars, being used in these ways and deal with the overall budget that the fbi and the d work j is receiving. so that'll be happening. i think first bill, first of those 12 appropriation bills, will be the week after we get back from the memorial day recess.
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maria: but can you really change a culture when you've got the same leadership in place? let's face it, urn jim comey or under christopher wray the fbi pursued fisa warrants against trump officials because they did not like trump. we read it all in the durham report, how they just abandoned all standards and practices. and then they hid the hunter biden laptop the, they sat on it while president trump was getting impeached about ukraine. >> yeah. maria: then they told us covid-19, you know, we wanted to know if china actually was cooperating, they weren't. it's over and over again. can you make a difference with christopher wray still in place leading the fbi? >> yeah. and, again, i think the key is the money. but look, the first step is to make sure the country fully understands it. that's why the durham report, i think, is so helpful. you mentioned what went on back in the comey fbi. i don't think a whole lot has
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changed. they took a dossier that they knew was false, and that became the basis to go get a warrant to spy on a presidential campaign and to spy on american citizens. i mean, you can't do that in this country. they actually paid a guy, mr. danchenko, who just a few years before that they'd investigated for espionage. he was trying to pay people for classified information, and yet the fbi six years later turns around and pays him as part of their investigation into president trump. you can't make this stuff up. so you point the facts out, you propose legislation to fibs it, and the key -- to fix it, and the key thing for us, fisa reauthorization is coming up at the end of this year. there is no way we're going to the support reauthorizing fisa in its current form, no possible way. i think every single republican on judiciary committee is committed to fundamental change in how that process works, and this report that came out this week from mr. durham coupled with the news accounts of the 278,000 times the fbi abused americans' ooh rights who were
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simply exercising their first amendment liberties and searched this database on americans g a congressional campaign, for goodness sake, that has to the fundamentally change. we are committed to making that happen this congress. so fisa and the appropriations process is how you rein in this agency that targeted good men like garrett o'boyle, steven friend and marcus allen who had the courage to come forward and testify this week and tell the american people what's going on with their tax dollars in the justice department. maria: real quick, do you want to see another investigation of hillary and bill clinton? because in the durham report john durham wrote that while they were pursuing trump, today made no effort to investigate the claim that hillary clinton was taking money from foreigners for her clinton global initiative and the clinton the foundation. >> they not only didn't investigate her like they did president trump, they gave her campaign a defensive briefing. maria: right. >> they should have done the same for president trump because they literally had no evidence. so so we're going to talk with speaker mccarthy on where we
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proceed from here. in fact, are there people that were highlighted in the durham investigation, in the durham report that we need to talk to on the jewish dibly committee? we're going to give that a good, hard look, but nothing is off the table. s the critical the american people understand how their government, their agencies have been turned on them, the taxpayer, and we get all the facts out there. maria: mr. chairman, thanks very much. we'll be watching. congressman jim jordan. thank you, sir. and be sure to tune in tomorrow morning on "mornings with maria" on fox business, i will be speaking with fbi whistleblower garrett o'boyle. he will join me tomorrow morning first thing on "mornings with maria" on fox business. quick break, and then the g7 summit wrapping up in japan with china's economic coercion among the lead topics as the ccp marches toward becoming a global superpower. congressman michael mccaul is here with reaction to the president's trip to the g7 summit next. ♪ ♪ i remember when i first started flying,
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maria: welcome back. president biden is returning to to washington at this moment after the g7 summit in japan wrapped up earlier this morning. at the summit the leaders of seven nations vow tougher sanctions against russia and reduce trade with china. joining me right now with
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reaction is the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee, texas congressman michael mccaul. mr. chairman, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thanks, maria. thanks for having me. maria: what can you tell us about the g7? it was obviously a lot of conversation about china's economic coercion. how did you read it? >> right. so these are our allies, partners to counter the malign influence of china, obviously, with belt anded road. you talk about economic coercion, this is the one that's the most disturbing to me. they set up all these national security laws that allow them to go in and raid american companies in china. but most disturbingly is a quote from xi jinping himself who says we want to get foreign nations dependent on our supply chains so that town the road -- down the road we can cut them off from these supply chains. it's very clear what their intention is here. and, you know, we saw it after
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covid with medical. we see it with rare earth mineral and also semiconductors. if they can make the world dependent on them with supply chain, they also have the power to cut it off, and that came out of chairman xi's own mouth, out of his words. and we have to talk that seriously. maria: that is incredible, that he actually said that. we just put the quote on camera, and he's telling everybody, yeah, we want everyone to be dependent on us because when we want to shut down the world, we can do that and shut off the supply chain. congressman, i want to get your take on how this all happened because if you looked at joe biden's foreign policy overall, what happened that has all of our adversaries on the march from, you know, china to russia, north korea, iran? and we have put together this timeline of joe biden's moves. in january of 2021, he cancels the china initiative. then in 202 221 is, may -- 20 the 21, he waived sanctions on
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the nord stream 2. in august he has the afghanistan withdrawal which was totally botched up. october '221, you saw the -- '21, you saw the russians move into ukraine. it seems to all go back to policy. >> right. and so when you project weakness, this is what you get, you invite aggression. so now our foreign nation adversaries like russia, i china, iran, north korea, are emboldened and empowered. you know, history teaches us going back to chamberlain, hitler, churchill talking about not appeasing nations, but -- you know, reagan, peace through strength. problem is this administration's projecting weakness. we saw this, you talk about the china initiative, we could start with that. i met with merrick garland in his office and, you know, after mike pompeo shut down the houston consulate, which was the right move, there were so many espionage cases, what has this administration done? they're shut down the china initiative, and they're not
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pursuing indictments. but, maria, espionage has not changed. espionage is still going on, it's just we have a justice department that's not pursuing it. then biden waives sanctions on nord stream 2 the, that's putin's pipeline into europe, citing it's in the best interests of national security of the united states. which is absolutely insane. sending the wrong message. then you have afghanistan, the debacle, the implosion of afghanistan. there was a direct cause and effect between what happened in afghanistan and then, and putin's decision it wasn't a question of if, but when to then start the invasion into ukraine. he meets with chairman xi in beijing, they make their unholy alliance, so now xi is threatening taiwan in the pacific, and you have the largest invasion in europe since world war ii. my father's war. and this is all brought about by this foreign policy weakness that's been projected to our
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adversaries. maria: and then, of course, you go to taiwan in april of this year, and you're surrounded by an armada of battleships from china, and then you get sanctioned from the chinese communist party. i want to get your take on antony blinken's role because you have been threatening that you are going to hold him in contempt of congress until you saw the data that you wanted to see in terms of the afghanistan withdrawal. where are you on that? >> right. well, you know, they were not going to give us the dissenting cables from the embassy. it's very important because 23 'em bass with city employees disagreed -- embassy employees disagreed and dissented from the administration's policy. so we want that information. i offered to redact the names, but i want to see the content and the secretary's response, you know, to that. i think they have finally caved. i would say blinken blinked, and now they're going to produce it. but it's not just for me and the ranking member, not me as
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chairman, i want every member of my committee to see it including the afghan veterans who served so bravely. they deserve to see it. the american people deserve to see it, and the gold star, you know, families. and, you know, you and i talked about this satellite imagery after the debacle in afghanistan. this is the first time we've started to see the russian federation moving in the fall towards ukraine to begin the invasion. direct cause and effect. every national security expert i talk to the that i trust agrees with me 100% on this one. maria: yeah, that's incredible. and it's also so chilling to the hear these national security laws that beijing has come up with, enabling them to just go right into any american company and raid the mace. they did it with bain capital. i don't understand how american companies are operating in beijing and throughout they that. mr. chairman, thanks very much for walking us through it all. we so appreciate it. >> thanks, maria. thanks for having me.
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maria: michael mccaul is the house foreign affairs committee chairman. we'll be right back with more of china's espionage against the united states continues. missouri senator josh hawley will react to biden's soft on china policy and the impact on u.s. national security. back in a minute. ♪ ♪ i'm christine mahon. i'm retired from public health nursing and from the army reserve. my retirement funds allow me to enjoy what i love to do. as long as you can make an impact, why stop?
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regional countries touting the cc cp's influence in central asia. xi issued a warning against, quote, external forces interfering in our internal affairs. joining me now with more on the threat of china is missouri republican senator josh hawley, a member of both the senate homeland security and judiciary committees. he's also the author of a new book, "manhood: the masculine virtues americans need in the face of democrats pushing transgenderrism in schools to young children." senator, thanks very much for being here this morning. >> thank you. maria: i want to talk about china first. the president just called the spy craft that he allowed to fly over our country for almost a week, he called it silly. wasn't with it sending news and images and information from our military sites back to beijing in realtime? is that silly? >> yeah, there's nothing silly about it. it flew right over my home state
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of missouri, right over our military installations. by the way, the administration lied to congress and said it wasn't rank mitting any information back to beijing. oh, now we know it was the, it sure as heck was, and what did joe biden do about it? nothing. biden could have shot it down before it got to the continental united states, before it got to the alaska. he didn't do it. maria with, as far as i can tell, his whole policy so to make china rich, america poor, to make us more dependent on the chinese whether it's for solar panels or electric batteries or whatever it may be, critical supplies. his whole policy is to make this nation dependent on china. it's a terrible mistake. maria: well, i mean, why in i don't even understand this. even his climate change agenda has many of the components made in china like batteries and solar panels. so as he pushes a climate agenda in america, he's pushing the production of everything to china. >> absolutely. sending jobs to the china. the entire green new deal is all about making us dependent on
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china. it is making us dependent on their solar panels, making us dependent on their production lines. we've lost almost 4 million jobs to china, maria, in the last two decades. 60,000 in the state of missouri. and joe biden wants to make china richer. we need to go in the opposite direction. we need to put tariffs on china,ing bring jobs back to the united states, good paying, blue collar jobs, and we need to secure our critical supply chains in this country. maria: well, i seem to member a round -- remember a couple of weeks ago the white house was leaking information, it appeared to me, that the president was going to announce limitations for american investors investing in china. and it was leaked that he was going to announce this around the g7. there was no such announcement. there's no new limitations on investing many chinese companies, are there? >> no, not that i'm aware of. all this administration has done is make it easier for china to take our money, to ache our cash, to the take our jobs, and that's what they are doing.
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they are doing it right in front of our eyes, and now joe biden can't even deal with the serious national security threats that china poses, let alone the economic threat that he's giving to china, that he's allowing china to strengthen itself. again, giving away our jobs. it's insane, maria. we've got to switch course and make america strong. america should be getting richer and china poorer, not the other way around. maria: well, how are you going to do it? you're an elected official, what can you do about it? and what about the most favored trade nation status that china has? we've got a deficit on trade with china, a big one. >> exactly right. exactly right. what we should to do is withdraw the most favored nation status from china. we should slap tariffs across the board on china til that trade deficit gets down to zero. there is no reason we should be sending them our jobs, our cash, allowing them to steal our technology and our industry. so, absolutely, withdraw the special trade status. stop the special giveaways and handouts and put tariffs on them
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until our industry is strong again. let our industry, let our workers compete on an even playing field. maria: well, what about this memorandum the of understanding that joe biden signed back in 20 the 13 allowing hundreds of -- 20 to the 13 allowing hundreds of chinese companies to trade on u.s. exchanges and not even follow auditing rules? is that not allowing american investors to fund the expansion of our number one adversary, communist chinasome. >> -- china? >> it's exactly whats. you look at what the trade deficit is, and nobody wants to talk about it many in d.c., but that trade deficit with china really drives much of our structural department, our tradr fiscal deficit, and what it really is, is china taking our investment, our cash. that means the american middle class is funding the development of china's military, it's funding chinese industry, it's funding them stealing you are jobs. why are we letting this happen?
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we should be putting sanctions, tariffs on the chinese economy right now. we ought to withdraw their most favored nation status and, again, we ought to be strengthening american industry and american jobs. maria: meanwhile, all i hear about is transgenderrism and gender identity. why did you write the book "manhood," and tell me what's behind all of this obsession over transgenderrism and gender identity to little kids? >> you know, the left has completely lost their minds. i wrote the book because i'm the father of two young children, two young boys and then a baby girl. my little boy, you know, what they are hearing from the culture, from the media, from the left above all is that if you're a boy, you're inherently toxic. and then the message to girls is you don't really exist because, you know, biological men should play women's sports and be in women's locker room, the left says. it's all crazy, maria. we need to say that there really is such a thing as male and female. there are who genders. the good to be a man, it's good to be a woman.
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and for men, the message is we need yo to the step up -- you to step up. we need you to work, we need you to the start a family. you can change this country if you will take on the responsibilities and be all that that you could be. maria: i mean, is this all coming from the progressive lift? we just is had kevin mccarthy on, and he said bernie sanders is running discussions for joe biden when it comes to the debt ceiling negotiations. >> the progressive left, the radical left is totally in control of this administration. they're increasingly in control of the entertainment industry and academia, for sure. and when it comes to our kids and gender, what they're telling our kids in schools is there's something wrong with you if you want to be the gender that you were created to be the, the biowith logical gender you were born with. they're going behind parents' backs, they're shoving this ideology down our kids' throats. we need to stop this, and the book is all about how we can say to young mens the good for you to be a man. we need you to be a strong,
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responsible man. and by doing that, you can make america a better place. maria: this is all so disturbing, senator. it's good to have you this morning. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you. maria: missouri senator josh hawley joining us. quick break, and then the durham report exposes the fbi's two tiers of justice, investigating donald trump for russia collusion on no evidence at all while making no effort to investigate claims hillary clinton accepted money from foreign sources through her campaign and foundation. former house intelligence committee chairman devin nuñes exposed the trump-russia collusion lie right here. he's got more on that durham report next. ♪ ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30g of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. -everyone: woo hoo! ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, one gram of sugar. enter the nourishing moments giveaway for a chance to win $10,000. ♪ ♪ [ cat purrs ] [ phone vibrates ] introducing astepro allergy. steroid-free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes,
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hand, and a lot of people wonder how much president obama directed this. so i ask you, did president obama direct any of this? >> that's not how it works. that's not how our investigations work with. we leave that to the intelligence community to bring forward information. maria: that was former president obama adviser valerie jarrett with me back in 2020 when i pressed her about what president obama knew about the trump-russia probe which according to special counsel john durham was seriously flawed, and there was no basis or evidence to launch such an investigation, something my next guest, devin nuñes, told us back in february 2018. five years ago he broke that news on this program, that the entire trump-russia collusion pushed by the democrats and the mainstream media was a made-up story. now we are learning from the durham report that the fbi appeared to have made no effort at all in investigating bill and hillary clinton over claims that individuals and foreign countries were attempting to buy influence through donations to
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the clinton foundation. and hillary's 2016 presidential campaign. joining me right now with reaction is the truth teller, this bombshell is going to be here, our topic, for former house intelligence committee chairman, current trump media ceo devin nuñes. great to see you, thanks very much for being here. >> great to be with you, maria. maria: your assessment of the durham report. >> i think overall this is a really sad day for america because what it represents is the total collapse of the justice system. a lot of people see this as, oh, fbi intelligence agencies. no, no, no. this represents the entire collapse of the justice system, and really the during halt report reads like the tombstone for the justice system. and it would say something simple like here lies the justice system, the justice department, and we knew there was criminal i the, and we couldn't -- criminality, and we couldn't do anything about it. that's really what the durham report says. there's a lot of great information in there, but
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nothing's been done. maria: well, why? why is there no accountability after all of these years? you knew it from day one. you came out with the nuñes report back in 2018 and walked us through how this was a made-up story from the clinton the campaign, and yet look at where they are now. all of these people who were complicit in pushing this lie whether it's peter strzok, john brennan, james comey, they're got big jobs at universities, and they're writing books and they're on msnbc and cnn as national security experts. >> yeah. so the way you have to look at this, it's even bigger than that and all of those bad, evil characters. what this is really about, it's about the justice department collapsing. it's also about the judicial branch of government collapsing and the fake news media collapsing. now, look, maria, a lot of this we talked about on your show for the last six years, your viewers understand that. but i think you have to take a global view of what the
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repercussions really are here, because, you know, the judicial branch, i just mentioned the justice system, how that's completely broke down. they knew about it, couldn't do anything about it. but how about the judges? let's just take, there's three easy examples with the judges. you have the fisa court. they did absolutely nothing. the fisa court could have stepped in. they knew right away when i knew, they knew in 20 to 17. and -- 2017. and then for sure ea they knew in '18 when we note ifyed them. they covered it up. you also have the activity of federal judges as it related to general flynn. and fast forward, you've got the mar-a-lago raid where you have a judge sign a fisa warrant, a search warrant. maria: yeah. great points. let's take a short break and continue on with former house intelligence committee chairman devin nuñes. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ age is just a number, and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. boost® high protein. now available in cinnabon® bakery-inspired flavor.
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maria: welcome back. and i am back with former house intelligence committee chairman devin nuñes, ceo of trump media. devon, you were just going through the impact of what took place in 2016 and '17 with the trump-russia investigation and the collusion lie. your thoughts on the fact that the fbi also completely ignoredded any claims that hillary clinton was accepting money and influence peddling the way joe biden has been doing as
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well. so not only did the they pursue these fisa warrants against trump officials, they were ignoring anything regarding hillary clinton, right? >> exactly. and that's why most americans are saying how can this happen? how can this happen in the united states of america? now, as you know, i spent a lot of time abroad, amade -- i made a lot of friends overseas, and i have gotten so many calls after this durham report from people saying what the hell is going on in the united states? how can you guys have a justice system like this? the i think a lot of people were shocked. a lot of them knew me, knew that i was telling the truth. but when you see durham go through this exhaustive three-year process and actually come forth with all of this information that in any normal world there would be -- there were so many crimes committed here. and remember, don't forget that you had obama, you asked me what did obama know about this. well, the sixth -- this was a stunt by the hillary clinton campaign in '16. it failed miserably because donald trump won overwhelmingly.
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maria: right. >> then what happened? obama was directly involved because he's the one that went back right after the election in 2016, he got all the intelligence agencies involved, and they leaked out to the fake news media that, oh, the russians must have done something and they were trying to help trump. obama did that. but obama knew, we now know from durham, obama knew and his team knew in august of '16 that this was a dirty trick by the hillary clinton campaign. maria: unbelievable, yeah. >> and so i think the question is, you know, where do we go from from here. that's the real question. maria: yeah. where do we go, yeah. >> the one thing we at least have is our voice, and that's what we can do to spread that word with. but i think the congress is going to have to dig into this. maria: yes, for sure. whoa. okay. easy does it. we switched to liberty mutual and saved $652. they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. with the money we saved,
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space bar justice for college killing spree that suspects on the most talked about murder cases in recent history set to appear back in court tomorrow. scheduled to be arraigned days after gregory indicted him in the gruesome murders of the fort university of idaho students six months ago. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" five eric shawn. hi eric hello everyone i am arthel neville. early in november though students were found brutally
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stabbed to death at thei


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